Thomas was alone vita download
Thomas was alone vita download

thomas was alone vita download

And when he is out of sight, quickly also is he out of mind.

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  • If to-day thou art not ready, how shalt thou be ready to-morrow? To-morrow is an uncertain day and how knowest thou that thou shalt have a to-morrow?.
  • Thou oughtest in every deed and thought so to order thyself, as if thou wert to die this day.
  • There is no man in the world free from trouble or anguish, though he were King or Pope.
  • Arise, begin this very moment, and say, “Now is the time to do: now is the time to fight, now is the proper time for amendment.”.
  • So long as we carry about with us this frail body, we cannot be without sin, we cannot live without weariness and trouble.
  • No man ruleth safely but that he is willingly ruled.
  • It is easier not to speak a word at all than to speak more words than we should.
  • What canst thou see elsewhere which thou canst not see here? Behold the heaven and the earth and all the elements for of these are all things created.
  • For if he who resolveth bravely oftentimes falleth short, how shall it be with him who resolveth rarely or feebly?.
  • Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
  • In their lifetime they seemed of great account, but now no one speaks of them.

    thomas was alone vita download

    Tell me, where are now all those Masters and Doctors whom you knew so well in their lifetime in the full flower of their learning? Other men now sit in their seats, and they are hardly ever called to mind. At the Day of Judgement, we shall not be asked what we have read, but what we have done not how eloquently we have spoken, but how holily we have lived. If only such people were as diligent in the uprooting of vices and the panting of virtues as they are in the debating of problems, there would not be so many evils and scandals among the people, nor such laxity in communities. But because many are more eager to acquire much learning than to live well, they often go astray, and bear little or no fruit. Yet learning itself is not to be blamed, or is the simple knowledge of anything whatsoever to be despised, for true learning is good in itself and ordained by God but a good conscience and a holy life are always to be preferred. 3 this is part of a longer passage:Ī humble knowledge of oneself is a surer road to God than a deep searching of the sciences. At the Day of Judgement we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done not how well we have spoken, but how holily we have lived.

    thomas was alone vita download

    Certe adveniente die judicii, non quæretur a nobis quid legimus, sed quid fecimus nec quam bene diximus, sed quam religiose viximus.Note: These words are used in the crowning of the pope.How fast passes away the glory of this world.1.2 Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895).

    Thomas was alone vita download